How to Create a Functional and Attractive Home Gym from a Shipping Container

Are you tired of crowded gyms and high membership fees? Have you ever considered building a gym in your backyard using a shipping container? Converting a shipping container into a home gym may seem like a daunting task, but with careful planning and execution, it can provide a unique and functional workout space.

Read on as we guide you through the process of creating a shipping container home gym, from choosing the right container and planning the layout to insulating and customising the interior and exterior.

Whether you’re a weightlifter, cardio junkie, or yoga aficionado, a shipping container gym can be a great solution for your fitness needs. So, let’s dive in and learn how to turn a shipping container into a gym!

Can I turn a shipping container into a gym?

Whether you need a space for a personal training business or you want to create your own perfect home gym, a shipping container can be a great solution.

A repurposed shipping container is the ultimate blank slate for all kinds of projects, including a home or portable gym. Hundreds of thousands of new and barely-used containers are available and ready to be given new life after only one long-haul trip because it is less expensive to sell and repurpose containers than it is to ship them back to their place of origin empty.

Shipping containers have grown in popularity as building materials and storage solutions due to their many benefits. Shipping containers are ultra-durable. Built to withstand extreme weather conditions aboard cargo ships, steel containers last longer and are more resistant to damage than traditional building materials.

By reusing existing pre-fab structures, container owners can avoid the environmental impact of using lumber and other construction materials. Shipping containers are also often more cost-effective than building a new permanent structure or renting or buying existing property.

One of the best things about shipping containers is how versatile they are. The engineers at Gateway have helped people create all kinds of custom builds from their repurposed containers. They can be outfitted with a range of accessories to suit your unique needs and design vision. From electrical wiring and window installation to space-saving interior design, the possibilities are virtually endless.

Choosing the right shipping container

Your shipping container home gym project begins by choosing the right container.

Shipping containers are available in a variety of standard sizes. The most common sizes are 10, 20, and 40-foot long containers that all measure 243.84 cm wide and 259.08 cm high. However, there are “high cube” containers as well, which will afford an additional 30cm of height. If you require extra large or odd-size containers, Gateway works directly with the shipping lines and can help you find the right container for your specific needs.

In addition to size, the other major factor to consider when choosing the right shipping container is the condition or grade. Different suppliers will market their containers differently, so pay close attention to the descriptions of each grade.

At Gateway, we are as transparent as possible when it comes to naming our container grades. Most of our containers are classed as New, A-Grade, or Cargo Worthy. New containers are factory-direct and can be used for all kinds of purposes. They were likely shipped to Australia containing cargo and are also known as “one trip” containers. A-Grade containers are used but still in very good condition.

You can also find containers that open from the side or have other special features depending on your needs.

Planning the layout and design of the home gym

With any shipping container structure, one of the key factors to consider in your design plan is maximising your use of space. If you plan to build your gym on your own private property, you might wish to install side-opening doors so you can open up your gym to the garden when the weather is nice and have a combination indoor-outdoor workout space.

You might choose to build partitions to compartmentalise the interior. Or, create built-in storage and shelving on the walls to make the most of your floor space. If you want an extra-large workout space, you can even design a gym using two or more containers welded together with interior walls removed.

If you plan to use your container for a mobile gym, be sure to incorporate safety into your design plans. You will need mechanisms to secure your gym equipment during transport to ensure that you protect yourself and others from injuries.

In order to create a comfortable and functional workout space, you’ll want to install lighting, heating and cooling, ventilation, and insulation. This may sound daunting, but the experienced team at Gateway can make the process easy. Gateway sells modified containers that are ready to use, and can perform custom modifications as well.

Insulating and sealing the container

Naturally, steel containers are subject to huge fluctuations in temperature if not properly insulated. Insulating and sealing your container is also important for keeping water and excess humidity out of your interior space.

Gateway can install insulation as well as heating and cooling systems to maintain a steady temperature in your home gym. Our insulation will keep out the cold in winter and the heat in summer.

Ventilating the home gym

Of course, any home gym is going to need proper ventilation to ensure healthy air quality and temperature control. Proper air flow is important for reducing excess humidity, eliminating odours, maintaining temperature, and keeping your air fresh and clean. Ventilation options include small and large air vents, roof-mounted turbines or whirly birds, as well as doors and windows.

Customising  the interior and exterior of the home gym

Once you have your basic modifications in place, you can get creative with the design of your space. You can customise everything from the flooring and wall coverings to the exterior look of your container.

Tips for personalising the look and feel of the home gym

Exterior panelling – If you prefer a more traditional aesthetic to the industrial look of a shipping container, you can outfit your container gym with wood panelling on the exterior.

Flooring – Think about what type of flooring will work best for your gym. Do you want non-slip vinyl, or shock-absorbent floor mats?

Large windows – To let in ample natural sunlight, you can install extra large size windows to let you take in your natural surroundings while you walk on the treadmill or do a yoga flow. You can even tint your windows if you want privacy but don’t want to sacrifice natural light.

LED lights – LED lights are an energy-efficient way to light the interior of your home gym so you can work out any time of day. LEDs can be used to light the whole space, or to light up storage areas. You can even install coloured LEDs on the walls or ceiling for a bold, modern look.

Music and sound – For many people, the right playlist is key to getting in a good workout. With your own home gym, you can skip the ear buds and install speakers to play your favourite music to keep you motivated while you get in shape.

Artwork – To truly make your home gym your own, you can hang inspiring artwork or motivational quotes on the walls.


With a little bit of extra space on your property and a little imagination, you can have your very own custom home gym right in your backyard. Avoid the gym fees and the crowds and work out your way, on your own time, in your own space.

Ultimately, the right container gym design for you will depend on what kinds of workouts you plan to do in the space, the space you have available on your property, how many people will use your gym, and more.

But, you don’t have to account for all of these factors yourself. The team of experts at Gateway Containers have decades of experience with shipping container supply and modifications, and we can help you determine the best options for you. We will work with you to understand your needs, your budget, and your vision, and help make them a reality.

Everything we do at Gateway Containers is backed by the Gateway Guarantee. We take great pride in the quality of our services and the products we provide. Contact us today to learn more about what we do and how we can help you create the home gym you always wanted.

Give us a call or fill out our online contact form and one of our experienced sales team members will reach out to you for a consultation within 24 hours.

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